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About us and Our Process

Focused on providing our patients the most up-to-date information and treatment options to fight COVID-19. Visit a MG Testing Center today!

What type of COVID-19 testing does MG Testing Center offer?

Rapid Antigen Test Rapid antigen tests, also called lateral flow tests, detect viral proteins from SARS-CoV-2 in mucus from a person's nose or throat.

PCR Test - Or reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction -- tests can detect small amounts of the coronavirus' genetic material in a specimen collected from a human

How long does it take to receive test results?

Rapid Antigen Test - It generally takes 15-60 minutes to get the results and is done using a nasal swab. You will be notified of your results via the text and email information you provided to us when you got tested.

PCR Test - This test is done using a nasal swab. As this test must be sent to a laboratory, it can take 1–3 days to get the results. You will be notified of your results via the text and email information you provided to us when you got tested.

What are the costs of getting tested for COVID-19?

If you provide us with insurance - We will bill your insurance for the visit and testing. Many health insurance plans are covering COVID-19 testing and related services without imposing any cost-sharing requirements (such as deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurance) on the insured. 

If you do not have insurance - Covid-19 testing will be provided at your cost, at any MG Testing Center.

Does MG Testing Center offer back-to-work COVID-19 testing for employees?

MG Testing Center offers return-to-work COVID-19 testing for employers’ workforces to help determine if employees meet criteria for returning to work, as in accordance with guidance from the CDC and any other public health authorities.

If you have any questions regarding workforce testing, feel free to contact us today!

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